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Alarming Increase in Pulmonary Embolism Cases in Israel

עודכן: 26 ביולי 2023

Summary. Data obtained through FOIA requests[1] from the two largest Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) in Israel, Clalit and Maccabi, which cover over 50% and 26% of Israel’s population (over 7.2M members altogether), respectively, reveal concerning trends related to pulmonary embolism (PE) cases. In particular, the data that contain monthly counts of diagnosis cases (based on ICD codes) per age group (in 10-year buckets), reveal that there were well over 2,000 additional PE cases in 2021 compared to 2020 and the average of 2018-2019. This increase is sustained in 2022. The statistically significant increase is seen throughout three age groups, including 60+ (11%), 30-59 (11.9%) and 0-29 (17%), even when normalized by the respective population size covered by the two HMOs in each age group.

These concerning findings stand in marked contrast to repeated public statements of Israel Ministry of Health (IMOH) officials, who have been asserting that the IMOH is not aware of any significant increase in cardiovascular adverse outcomes during 2021-2022. Moreover, the findings call for a prompt investigation as to what the underlying causes might be. Such investigation should consider the potential impact of the massive COVID-19 mRNA vaccination campaigns in Israel, as well as undetected sequelae of COVID-19 infections.


[1] Requests were filed by Mr. Guy Schori


An independent non-profit organization, the Public Emergency Council for the Covid19 Crisis (PECC) is made up of leading physicians, researchers, academics and social welfare experts. Together, we have utilizing our expertise and experience to suggest a balanced vision for handling the Covid-19 crisis.

Through the last 3 years, PECC has been critically analyzing data and research concerning the efficiency and safety of Covid-19 vaccines, while keeping Israeli Ministry of Health in check by petitioning to the Supreme Court, asking for injunctions ordering a change of policy and raising public awareness

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